Common Causes of Clogged Drains and How to Fix Them

It is essential to identify the causes of clogged drains and fix them initially. Clogs are the primary reason people call a plumber. The location is not important, as it can happen in the kitchen sink, bathtub, or toilet and can be a significant disruption. Clogs are uncomfortable for homeowners, and you want to get rid of them as early as possible.

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Clogs can result in flooding, corrosion, and even sewage buildup in more unwanted scenarios. The causes of the clogs are often the things we let go into our drains. Therefore, we should know about the causes of the clogs to avoid confrontation with the clogs.

Understanding the Drain System and Common Causes of Clogged Drains

The drainage system is like a tree with multiple branches. The drainage system has a major and larger line that takes the load from various sublines and disposes it to the central sewer line. Many plumbing stationeries can be the culprits in clogs, and we need to track the exact point.

You can identify the clog location by analyzing the situation and ultimately reaching the clog spot. You will observe what is happening and what outcomes you can extract. First, you need to understand if the issue lies in the main line or one of the sublines. If it is in the main line, it will affect the whole house or building. On the contrary, if the clog is in a subline, only that part of the house will be affected.

Causes of Clogged Drains

This section will explore the common reasons for clogged drains and possible solutions.

 Fats, Oils, and Grease

Cooking fats and other oily items flow away with water, and many people habitually do this at home. These things are harmless, but if you think deeply, you will find that they start to build up on the walls of pipes and combine with other debris to create serious clogs. The best way to avoid this problem is to assemble used cooking grease in a jar or can. Then, dispose of this jar in your household trash.


Soaps contain animal fat derivates as their prime component. When soaps flow with water into the drain, it combines with the water’s minerals and makes soap scum. When the soap scum builds up too much, it is difficult to eliminate from bathroom surfaces and can eventually result in drain clogs. Therefore, it is best to use liquid soap or one without animal fat.


Human and pet hair can cause clogs by combining with Fats, Oils, Grease, and other sticky things that flow down into your drains. A couple of things can help you avoid a clog due to hair. The first thing is to install a drain filter to prevent hair from entering the line. The second thing is to consider bathing pets outdoors.

Tree Roots

Your sewer line is likely clogged if you experience clogs at multiple places in your house. Meddlesome tree roots can be the cause of clogs in underground conduits. You may think about how they would penetrate inside a sewer line. The answer is; tree roots can grow in small cracks in the sewer lines.

When they start growing, they can reach a stage where they can potentially cause a clog. Plants and vegetation are the most probable reasons for sewer line clogging.

Causes of Clogged Drains

Mineral Deposits

The mineral can deposit on the walls of the pipes, especially if you are using hard water. Hydro-jetting or water softening is an effective solution to this issue.

Foreign Objects

Children often drop toys or other non-flush items in the toilet, which is among the major causes of drain clogs. A small object that flows down the drain is big enough to clog the U-bend of the pipe. Therefore, installing drain covers in the sinks, bathtubs, and shower drains is essential.

The disintegration of the Pipes

Everything wears with time, and Pipes are no different because pipes disintegrate and their Joints can come apart. This retardation usually happens in older homes but can also occur in modern homes. The seasonal effects and the soil reaction can retard the pipes and cause a headache for homeowners.


Every homeowner should know about the causes of clogged drains because it is the biggest tension in your daily life if you confront it. If you enhance your knowledge on the subject mentioned above, your preventive measures will likely save you from coming across a drain clog.

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