How to Install an Instant Water Heater?

How to Install an Instant Water Heater

Typically, domestic users go for conventional storage water heaters, but if you want to install an instant water heater, you are in the right place. Tankless or instant water heaters have several advantages over their counterparts. These heaters are extremely small and suitable for compact bathrooms and apartments.

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Instant water heaters have a filament that operates on 2000w and provides a continuous hot water supply to the faucet. These heaters start when the faucet is turned on. A minimum water flow rate threshold is used as the drive for the heaters. The heater automatically turns off when the faucet turns off, or the water flow rate decreases below the threshold.

Advantages of Instant Water Heaters

Instant water heaters are the smarter, more modern, and the efficient version of conventional heaters. These are compact and tankless because they do not store the hot water but instantly heat the required volume of water. Instant water heaters are usually installed near a faucet or tap with which they are associated. A common misconception about instant heaters is that they do not supply enough hot water for a long time.

However, the fact is that instant water heaters can supply hot water for as long as the faucet is turned on, the water flow rate is enough, and the energy supply to the heater is on. In addition, instant heaters only heat the water when required, whereas storage water heaters store a large volume of water if it is required or not.

How to Install an Instant Water Heater?

The installation or the replacement of the instant water heaters is not as difficult as it may seem to be. You need to follow some basic steps to install an instant water heater; these steps are elaborated on in the below subsections.

Switch of the Breaker

Before starting the process, switching off the circuit breaker is crucial to ensure that the electric cables aren’t getting the input power while you’re working. Please turn off the water supply initially. There is a danger of flooding your home with water during this process. Therefore, it is safe to turn off the water and electricity supply.

Remove the Front Panel

Once you get the new instant water heater, you need to connect it to the water and electrical supply. You need to remove the front cover of the assembly to mount it. Ensure to loosen all the screws and keep them in a safe spot not to lose them during the installation. It is important to note that the cables are to be installed between the cover and the unit, and then you have to put the cover back.

Mount the Heater

Once you have removed the front panel, you need to mount the heater on the wall or wherever you want it. You must also have easy access to the unit in an emergency. All you need to know is to mount the unit properly on the wall and screw it up there tightly. The unit should not be hanging on the wall because it will be damaged in the event of a touch.

Install an Instant Water Heater

Connect the Pipes

When you’ve finished mounting the device, connect the pipes that distribute hot water to the required faucet or throughout your home. The water connection from the main will go into the water heater, pass through the heating element, and go out of the heater to the distribution end tap or faucet. It would help if you located the connections at the bottom of the unit to preserve them. You should follow an installation diagram to make correct connections.

The best-suited pipe material for a tankless water heater is stainless steel. It can bear high temperatures without reducing the accessibility or flexibility of the system. If you don’t want to use stainless-steel pipes, alternatives include copper and PVC piping. When you choose a flexible pipe made of stainless steel, you will feel confident to detach the connections.

Close the Panel and Turn on the Supply

Close the front panel of the water heater and tighten the screws after making the electrical connections to the supply. After successfully installing the unit, you can turn on the water and electricity supply to have a test drive of the installation. If it is working well, you have done a fabulous job!


It is a tricky, interesting, and useful domestic contribution to install an instant water heater yourself. You can opt to hire a professional for this job, but if you have the right installation manual, basic plumbing tools, and enough knowledge, you can do it alone.


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