How to Replace a Toilet Flexible Hose – Guide

Replace a Toilet Flexible Hose

The supply of water to the plumbing fixtures is crucial and you need to pay special attention to it. The fixtures need to be installed correctly but what about in between parts? The part that connects a plumbing fixture to the supply line is the most important part. This part consists of pipework that needs to be in good condition all the time else you will notice leakages.

Correct water supply also ensures the prolonged life of plumbing fixtures. That is why the supply line should be checked now and then for a leak. If there is any leakage in this pipework, you have to pay attention to it initially. Some aspects related to the supply line of toilets are covered in the later sections. Eventually, we will move to the instructions for the replacement of a toilet flexible hose.

Types of the Supply Line:

The supply lines or hoses have the following two types:

  •         Flexible
  •         Rigid

Flexible Hoses:

Flexible hoses are a popular option to use for the toilet supply line. These pipes are reliable and long-lasting. Moreover, they have good elasticity to be extended. 

Rigid Supply Lines:

Metallic pipes are also used as toilet supply lines. These metallic pipes have a furrowed tube at one end. These metallic hoses are usually made up of stainless steel to provide enough resistance against corrosion. This aspect is important because these pipes will be in contact with the water continuously.

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There are different ways in which these supply lines are connected. Their categories are made based on their position relative to the toilet bowl. Let us go through some of these types:

Side Liner:

This is the most common type used. The hole for this pipe’s entry into the tank is located on the side. If the side of the tank is close to the wall it is better to use a flexible pipe for that. The reason is that the flexible pipe can bend to adapt to any shape.

Back Liner:

Everything is similar to the side liner except the position of the entry point hole into the tank. This type of supply line requires some space from the wall so it is not suitable where the toilet bowl is closer to the wall.

Below Liner:

This is the most attractive type of liner where the pipe is hidden under the tank.

Flexible Hose System and Its Types:

Since we are heading towards a replacement of flexible hoses, we must know the different types of flexible hoses and their pros and cons. 

General Advantages of a Flexible System:

  •         Easy and time-saving installation process.
  •         High operational reliability and less leakage risk.
  •         Economical and attractive.

There are two options for flexible hoses:

  •         Bellows
  •         Reinforced


Bellows are made up of stainless steel. These are flexible hoses that not only acquire the desired shape but also the desired length. These types of flexible hoses are temperature resistant. That is why they can be used for hot water connections also. They also have a long lifespan. 


These are formed internally with rubber and stainless steel is later applied to them. These pipes are less expensive than the bellows. They are reliable and long-lasting. However, these pipes are not suited for a heating system that has a very high temperature. The lower rubber should be of good quality and not deteriorate with water. The reinforced pipes coil up on each other and the upper surface can be damaged this way.

Replacement Guide Of a Toilet Flexible Hose

Step1: Measurements of The Required Supply Line:

If your toilet flexible hose has deteriorated and you want to replace it then measure the length of the previous supply line and get a new one of that size. If you are installing a brand new supply line, you need to take some measurements. The distance from the toilet outlet to the valve and the size of the valve connector is required to get a suitable size hose. 

Step 2: Turn the Water Supply Off:

Locate the valve that controls the water of the toilet and shut it off. If there is no independent isolation valve for the toilet, turn off the supply of water from the main.

Step 3: Empty The Tank:

Try to repeat two or three rounds of flushes to empty the tank or press the down handle until the tank gets emptied.

Step 4: Unscrew The Old Flexible Hose:

If the flexible hose has a plastic connector, you can rotate and unscrew it by hand. If the connector is metallic, you may need a pair of pliers to do that without bothering your fingers.

Step 5: Replace The Toilet Flexible Hose:

It is better to remove the old tape from the valve threads and wrap a new one. Because it is preferable to connect the hose to the valve first and then to the toilet. 

Tighten the connector on the valve using pliers. Avoid over-screwing it. If it is loose or spraying water, you can apply some extra torque on it later on.

Once the valve side is connected, now fit the connector of the other side to the toilet. Tighten the connector by hand and avoid over-tightening.

Step 6: Turn The Water Supply On and Check For Any Leakage

Now turn on the water supply and check thoroughly for any leakages. If the water is springing from any point, try to fix it otherwise you have replaced the toilet flexible hose successfully.


Toilet flexible hoses are usually long-lasting and reliable. However, if it is leaking water or not working properly, you may need to change it. Before changing it yourself, you need some tools and basic knowledge about the hoses. The types of supply lines and flexible systems are explained before the installation procedure to develop a background. Finally, the step-by-step installation procedure is explained.

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